Warrington Bloomfield Jr. - Android Engineer
Portfolio Showcase

Explore My Projects and Innovations in Android Development

Project Showcase

Explore my innovative Android projects and their unique features.

Randevu App

A date ideas app that helps you generate ideas to keep your relationship fresh.

Learn Jamaican Patio App

A powerful learning tool for you to learn patio before your next trip to Jamaica.

Voice to Text Journal

A journaling app where users can dictate their thoughts, and AI converts the audio into structured text.

Home Maintenance Tracker

An app that helps homeowners track maintenance tasks and provides AI suggestions for upkeep.

Work Experience

Stash Financial, Inc
  • Investment Features: Led and developed investment-related features on Android, such as Investment Browse, Search, Brokerage Portfolios, Diversification Analysis Tooling and Market Data Graphing.

  • Crypto Trading: Directed and implemented Crypto trading features for for both Android and Backend.

  • Backend for Frontend (BFF) Microservice: I introduced the BFF pattern at Stash using Ktor, significantly improving feature delivery efficiency across platforms.

iDialogs LLC
  • Launched on Play Store: Restructured the healthcare Android application architecture to utilize multi-threading, improved

    parsing, and caching.

  • Converted iOS functionality to Android: Read iOS Swift code to later port over functionality and logic into a fully functional Android application.

  • Health metrics and features: Implemented health monitoring and tracking features which showed graphical data pulled in from physical health devices such as Fitbit and Withings.